Superannuation Export

The superannuation export function allows you to automate the process of reporting your superannuation contributions to your super funds. You can create an electronic file which is sent to the fund in place of a printed report. A separate electronic remittance file can be created to transfer the actual contributions via the bank (see Electronic Banking).

The Superannuation Export process has three steps, and therefore three corresponding tabs:

(1) Select type of Export

(2) Choose Payrun/s

(3) Export File

These are all described next.

(1) Select type of Export

There are two types of export to choose from; SuperStream Alternative File Format (SAFF) or Use a custom export file definition. Only one of these options can be selected for each occasion that you are running the process.

SuperStream Alternative File Format (SAFF)

In order to use SAFF you must have purchased a license for this component from HR3. The first time you use SAFF, a warning message will be displayed. This will prompt you to call HR3 Support to purchase a license for the SAFF component, and then enter the new SAFF Key that you are given. Note that this is a chargeable license, provided for the life of the component.

Field Explanation
SuperStream Alternative File Format (SAFF)
Use the SuperStream Alternative File Format (SAFF) If you select this export option, the SAFF section of the tab is activated.
Next you must select the payment method:
Use BPAY Payment Method Select this option if you are using BPAY as the payment method.
BPAY biller code Type in the biller code provided to you by your Service Provider (e.g. the Super Fund to which you are uploading the SAFF).
BPAY customer reference no. Type in your customer reference number, as provided by your Service Provider (e.g. the Super Fund).
Other Payment Method
Use other Payment Method Select this option if you are using a payment method other than BPAY.
Select Method Click the drop-down arrow to select the preferred method of payment. Select 'None' if you are paying the Super contributions separately to the SAFF upload.
Payment reference no. (PRN) This will be blank until you click Generate a PRN.
Generate a PRN Click this to generate a unique 18-digit code for this payment.
Contribution Period These are mandatory fields, regardless of payment method used.
Contribution Period Start Type in the start date, or click the drop-down arrow and select a date from the calendar provided.
Contribution Period End Type in the end date, or click the drop-down arrow and select a date from the calendar provided.

Use a custom export file definition

If you choose this option, you will need to select an Export Definition. You may need to Create a new Definition first, or you may need to Edit an existing Definition, otherwise simply select the required definition from the Export Definition drop-down list.

The contents of the file are fully customisable according to the requirements of the fund.

Creating an Export Definition:

This step is used to create a file format specific to the super fund. Your selections are saved for future reference. You can create unlimited definitions, using details supplied by the super fund.

You can link multiple funds to one definition. This can be used if your default super fund has agreed to act as a clearing house. In this case you may only need to create one export definition, which includes all the non-default super funds. Check with your default super fund to see if this is applicable.

  1. From Navigator select Payroll | Payrun | Superannuation Export
    The Superannuation export screen will open showing the existing definitions.
  2. Click Create to set up a new definition
    The bottom of the screen will now become active.
  3. Complete the fields with the required information:
Field Explanation
Name Enter a name for the new selected definition.
Linked Funds Click Add fund to add a fund to the definition. If you add a fund in error, highlight it in the list and click Remove fund.
Skip output of zero value lines If ticked, this will not include lines of zero values in the export file.
Enclose non-numeric data in quotes If the super fund requires that names, phone numbers and other non-currency fields are enclosed in quotes, select this checkbox. For example, Smith will be transferred to the file as "Smith".
Enclose numeric data in quotes To enclose all numeric data in quotes, select this box, otherwise leave it blank.
Include field names as headings row Check this box if the first line of the report is to contain the selected field names as a header row, with the data starting at the second row. Leave it blank if headings are not required, i.e. you want the first row of the file to be employee data such as KL5462, Smith, Jane, etc.
Output format Two options are available; Comma Separated (.csv) and Tab Separated (.tab). Select the format requested by the super fund.
Available Fields This is a list of the fields available to add to the file. The super fund must advise you which fields to add. Use the arrows in the centre to move them from available fields to selected fields. Use the Ctrl and Shift keys on your keyboard to make multiple selections.
Selected Fields This is the list of fields which will appear on the export file. Use the arrows in the centre to remove fields that are not required.
  1. Click Save Definition.

Once you have selected your preferred type of export, and its associated specifications, go to the next step of the export process:

(2) Choose Payrun/s

This tab allows you to choose the payrun/s from which the superannuation payment details will be taken:

  1. Highlight the payruns to include in the export. Use the Ctrl or Shift keys to select multiples.
  2. Once the required payrun/s are highlighted, go to the (3) Export File tab for the next step of the process.

(3) Export File

There are two sections on this tab; the top section for SuperStream Alternative File Format (SAFF) and the lower section for Superannuation Export File.

Regardless of the export option you have chosen, your Company bank account details will be displayed automatically. For SAFF, the bank account/s are for selection of the required account.

There are two possible File Names:

  1. The top File Name (in the SAFF section of the tab) is activated if you have chosen SAFF as your Export File option on the first tab. The system will suggest a filename. The selected location will be remembered for future export sessions.
  2. The lower File Name (in the Superannuation Export File section of the tab) is activated if you have chosen Custom as your Export File option on the first tab. The system will suggest a filename. The selected location will be remembered for future export sessions.
  3. Both options give you a Browse: option. Click this if you wish to choose a new location to save the file.
  4. Both options give you the option to Generate File:. When ready, click Generate to create the file.